Encyclopedia of Global Environmental Change

Encyclopedia of Global Environmental Change
Новые поступления академической литературы издательства Wiley


The character of the Earth?s surface is constantly changing as a result of the interactions of the great circulations of energy, water and materials that create the biogeochemical cycles between the atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, cryosphere and biosphere. In addition human actions, from social and environmental interplay– often termed human ecology – have to be seen as part of a whole Earth system, impacting on biogeochemical cycles to produce feedbacks and responses. Some resulting impacts are readily expected, but others are less easily anticipated and all affect global environmental change. The task of Volume Three of the Encyclopedia is to look at and analyse the interactions, feedbacks and causes from a holistic viewpoint and report upon some of the key aspects of human knowledge that are required for an integrated science. Coverage includes: ? Human disturbance of the Earth system ? Global land cover and land use ? Global...

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