Endovascular Intervention

Endovascular Intervention
Книги издательства Willey


Catheter– and endoluminal–based technologies have revolutionized vascular medicine with minimally invasive devices and techniques, enabling diverse medical disciplines to become involved in management of vascular disease. Dr. Criado’s most recent monograph for the vascular field covers the most commonperipheral percutaneous endovascular interventions and treatments, as well as the latest developments in the field of vascular medicine. Endoluminal technologies, new interventional tools, such as intravascular ultrasound and vascular stents, and other minimally invasive devices are described withclarity. The book demonstrates in detail the necessary skills and fundamental catheter techniques that form the basis of new age vascular intervention. These basic principles as well as new developments are having an unprecedented effect on today’s vascular practice, ushering in the era of catheter–based vascular therapy, new nomenclature, and interdisciplinary roles. Appealing to a...

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