Environment, Inc.: From Grassroots To Beltway (Studies in Government and Public Policy)

Environment, Inc.: From Grassroots To Beltway (Studies in Government and Public Policy)


Проблемы комизма и смеха, Ритуальный смех в фольклоре (по поводу сказки о Несмеяне)


Book DescriptionWe expect Birkenstocks. We find wing-tips. Professional organizations that advocate on behalf of environmental issues have become a permanent part of the American political landscape. From the Sierra Club to the Rainforest Action Network, these groups represent more than eleven million members and claim more than $3.5 billion in assets. Sometimes lambasted for non-stop fund-raising, top-heavy bureaucracies, or agendas out of touch with local concerns, they remain staunch advocates forMother Nature in the marble halls of Washington. But what happens to a grassroots movement when it goes mainstream? In this insightful book, Christopher Bosso considers how organizations that once contested the Establishment have become an establishment of their own. Environment, Inc. is the only book to examine the evolution of a national advocacy community over the span of a century. Bosso describes the transformation of an inchoate 1960s movement into fixtures of...

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