Enzymes in Food Technology

Enzymes in Food Technology
Новые поступления академической литературы издательства Wiley


The second edition of this successful book highlights the widespread use of enzymes in food processing improvement and innovation, explaining how they bring advantages. The properties of different enzymes are linked to the physical and biochemical events that they influence in food materials and products, while these in turn are related to the key organoleptic, sensory and shelf life qualities of foods. Fully updated to reflect advances made in the field over recent years, new chapters in the second edition look at the use of enzymes in the reduction of acrylamide, in fish processing and in non–bread cereal applications such as flour confectionery. Genetic modification of source organisms has been used to improve yields of purer enzymes for some time now but the newer technology of protein engineering of enzymes has the potential to produce purer, more targeted products without unwantedside activities, and a chapter is also included on this important new topic. Authors have been...

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