Evaluating Readability on Mobile Devices

Evaluating Readability on Mobile Devices
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This book presents findings from five readability studies performed on mobile devices. The dynamic Rapid Serial Visual Presentation (RSVP) format has been enhanced with regard to linguistic adaptation and segmentation as well as eye movement modeling. The novel formats have been evaluated against other common presentation formats including Paging, Scrolling, and Leading in latin-square balanced repeated-measurement studies with 12-16 subjects. Apart from monitoring Reading speed, Comprehension, and Task load (NASA-TLX), Eye movement tracking has been used to learn more about how the presentation formats affects reading. This book explains why readability on mobile devices is important and how it may be evaluated in an efficient and yet reliable manner. The methodology used in the evaluations and the shortcomings of the studies are discussed. Finally, a hyper-graeco-latin-square experimental design is proposed for future evaluations.

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