Evaluating Research Methods in Psychology

Evaluating Research Methods in Psychology
Книги издательства Willey


Using a series of over 40 case studies, this valuable text illustrates the processes and pitfalls involved in evaluating psychological research. The author describes each case in a clear and concise way. He then invites the reader to consider whether the conclusion drawn at the end of the case is correct, or whether the results could have an alternative explanation. Cross–referencing between sections is made easy by page references that link the case studies and explanations. The cases reflect the range of research methods taught at undergraduate level and include qualitative research. This case–study approach gives students a detailed understanding of methodological problems. It helps them to appreciate the difficulties of designing research, whether their own or other people?s, and equips them to critically evaluate published research. An accompanying website for this book can be found at www.blackwellpublishing.com/1405120746

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