Evaluation of E-Government Initiatives for Citizen- Centric Delivery

Evaluation of E-Government Initiatives for Citizen- Centric Delivery
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Developments in digital technologies are transforming the ways in which information is being delivered. Users, as a result, alter their perceptions of potential use of such technologies. Upon witnessing a wide variety of expectations, entities in social and private agencies deliver initiatives that are designed to meet informational needs of the eventual user. Through electronic government programs, state and federal agencies consider effective delivery of information to citizens (government-to-citizen services). Past research indicates that, due to varied expectations that people hold while utilizing public services available through digital means, there needs to be a citizen-centric delivery of information related to such services. The book extends this premise by evaluating citizens satisfaction with online governmental information services by formulating a model for satisfaction-EGOVSAT. To demonstrate its applicability, the model has been applied to online Advanced Transportation...

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