Explaining Xenophobic Attitudes

Explaining Xenophobic Attitudes
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The issue of xenophobia among South Africans, which a number of researches have pointed out, became plain in May 2008 when widespread violent attacks were carried out by crowds of South Africans against African immigrants and other South African citizens suspected of being foreign nationals. These attacks, which went on for over a week, resulted in a major humanitarian, political and ethical crisis for the country. Numerous African immigrants and suspected South Africans were burned and/or killed in the violence and hundreds were severely assaulted . Shops belonging to African immigrants were looted. The State was forced to open a number of refugee camps for thousands of people who were displaced from their homes. The book presents findings from a study on antagonism toward African immigrants in Johannesburg, South Africa. The study was based on an analysis determining perceptions and attitudes of prejudice against African immigrants

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