Face of Faith: Discovering a Different Kind of Makeover

Face of Faith: Discovering a Different Kind of Makeover
Биографии и мемуары. Разное


Сандро из Чегема (отрывки из романа), Созвездие Козлотура, Школьный вальс, или Энергия стыда


In a world obsessed with perfection of the outer appearance and makeovers of every kind, Candy discovered a different kind of makeover one that lasts a makeover of the heart. Candys life seemed to have fallen into place. Blessed with an idyllic childhood and loving parents who doted on their precocious only child with a mind of her own, she grew up with grace and charm in the Old South of the 1950s and 60s. As a speech and drama major at the University of Alabama, vivacious petite Candy channeled her boundless energy and passion to be on stage. Marriage blessed with two darling children followed ... and then the diagnosis at age 30 that changed her life and her looks forever. Her only chance at survival was a surgery so drastic that, according to her doctors, she would lose the greater portion of her face including the right eye and possibly the left, leaving her severely deformed. Candy awoke with a new face on the outside and a renewed commitment to her Lord on the inside. On life s...

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