Feng Shui Your Workspace for Dummies

Feng Shui Your Workspace for Dummies
Schiffer Publishing
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Book DescriptionFeng Shui is the ancient Chinese art of arranging physical space to maximize positive energy. Whether you’re a novice or knowledgeable about Feng Shui, a powerful CEO or an assistant, this guide will help you tap the power of Feng Shui in your workplace to boost your productivity and performance. Feng Shui Your Workplace For Dummies will help you work more effectively, with dozens of simple fixes and tweaks to enhance energy, increase harmony, relieve tension, and promote career achievement. You’ll get an overview of Feng Shui terminology and principles and discover how to: Deal with any type of workplace, including a cramped cubicle, open concept office, traditional office, or a makeshift home setup Choose and arrange furniture to bring more energy and flow to your workspace Deal with improper lighting, glass doors, and walls Reduce clutter Use light, flowers, and sound to create harmony ...

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