From Mine to Mistress - Corporate Strategies and Government Policies in the International Diamond Industry

From Mine to Mistress - Corporate Strategies and Government Policies in the International Diamond Industry
Mining Communications Ltd.
Поступления - 2009 г. - Январь - Июль


Secrecy clouds the entire diamond industry; its inner workings are often unclear to corporate and governmental decision-makers. Moreover, the rapid globalisation of the industry is impacting on corporate strategies, and producer-country governments are demanding domestic beneficiation. Meanwhile, the uncartelisation of the traditional monopoly structure has enhanced competition, causing a traditionally fragmented value chain to reorganise through growth or consolidation. This book is about adding value in the diamond pipeline from the mine (upstream) to the retail consumer (on the downstream side). At each level of the value chain, the revenue optimisation choices are discussed. What all decision-makers require is access to industry information, and an answer to their questions. While this book does not give all the answers, it describes the systems as they operate today, and identifies the interaction among all industry players. Taken in its entirety, this book will leave...

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