From the Clouds to the Mountains: Comprising Narratives of Strange Adventures by Air, Land, and Water (Classic Reprint)

From the Clouds to the Mountains: Comprising Narratives of Strange Adventures by Air, Land, and Water (Classic Reprint)
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A DRAMA IN MID-AIE.N September, 185-, I arrived in Frankfort-on-the--1- Main. My passage through the chief cities of Germany had been marked by a brilliant series of aerostatic ascensions, but up to this time no native of the Confederation had accompanied me in my car ; and the charming Parisian experiences of MM. Green, Eugene, Godard, and Poitevin had been powerless to persuade the grave Germans to dare aerial roads.However, the news of my speedy ascent had scarcely been announced in Frankfort, when three prominent citizens requested permission to join me. We were to rise two days later, from the Place de la Coraedie. I at once began to prepare my balloon. It was silk, coated with gutta-percha, a substance impervious to gas or acid, absolutely air and water tight; and its size - three thousand cubic feet - allowed of its rising to the greatest heights.Table of Contents CONTENTS; ?; PART I; A Drama in Med-Axr Narrating an Adventure in the Infinite Space above the Clouds7; PART II; De...

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