Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals in Cancer Prevention

Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals in Cancer Prevention
Новые поступления академической литературы издательства Wiley


Cancer is a leading cause of death among adults. Although about 25% of Americans develop cancer in their lifetime, in some populations this rate has been reduced by lifestyle changes. Increasing numbers of people are turning to the use of dietary vegetables, medicinal herbs, and plant extracts to prevent or treat cancer. Their ready availability as“over the counter” supplements has contributed to an explosion in the use of herbal extracts and related compounds for health enhancement. The spectacular growth of the multi–billion dollar functional food and nutraceutical business, touting health claims sometimes based upon limited researchdata, underscores the need for this up–to–date reference. Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals in Cancer Prevention brings together a leading group of experts on the different aspects of nutrient supplementation, foods, and plant extracts in cancer prevention and treatment. Their conclusions andrecommendations present the most current...

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