Fundamentals of Power Electronics

Fundamentals of Power Electronics


Из книги "О грамматиках и риторах", О грамматиках, О риторах, Из книги "О поэтах", Теренций, Вергилий, Гораций, Персий, Лукан, Из разных книг, Пассиен Крисп, Плиний Старший, Светоний и его время, Светоний и его книга, Примечания, Хронологическая таблица, Указатель имен


Fundamentals of Power Electronics, Second Edition, is an up-to-date and authoritative text and reference book on power electronics. This new edition retains the original objective and philosophy of focusing on the fundamental principles, models, and technical requirements needed for designing practical power electronic systems while adding a wealth of new material. Improved features of this new edition include: A new chapter on input filters, showing how to design single and multiple section filters; Major revisions of material on averaged switch modeling, low-harmonic rectifiers, and the chapter on AC modeling of the discontinuous conduction mode; New material on soft switching, active-clamp snubbers, zero-voltage transition full-bridge converter, and auxiliary resonant commutated pole. Also, new sections on design of multiple-winding magnetic and resonant inverter design; Additional appendices on Computer Simulation of Converters using averaged switch modeling, and...

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