GIMP Bible

GIMP Bible


The most current and comprehensive desktop GIMP reference you?ll find! Create dazzling digital graphics using GIMP Edit photos, paint, create animation, batch process—you can do it all with the free, open–source GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP) and the instruction in this comprehensive GIMP Bible. This valuable book first introduces you to GIMP?s interface and tools, then clearly shows you how to manage an entire production pipeline and produce high–quality images. If you?re an artist, photographer, Web designer, or animator using GIMP, this is the book you need to succeed. Find out what GIMP can and can?t do—and master all of its tools Learn to use layers, paths, channels, and colors effectively Start painting in GIMP with improved paint dynamics Master a slew of filters and masks and see how to automate tasks Animate by hand or add effects to video with the GIMP Animation Package ...

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