GIS and Crime Mapping

GIS and Crime Mapping
Книги издательства Willey


The growing potential of GIS for supporting policing and crime reduction is now being recognised by a broader community. GIS can be employed at different levels to support operational policing, tactical crime mapping, detection, and wider–ranging strategic analyses. With the use of GIS for crime mapping increasing, this book provides a definitive reference. GIS and Crime Mapping provides essential information and reference material to support readers in developing and implementing crime mapping. Relevant case studies help demonstrate the key principles, concepts and applications of crime mapping. This book combines the topics of theoretical principles, GIS, analytical techniques, data processing solutions, information sharing, problem–solving approaches, map design, and organisational structures for using crime mapping forpolicing and crime reduction. Delivered in an accessible style, topics are covered in a manner that underpins crime mapping use in the three broad...

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