Geriatric Education Centers:

Geriatric Education Centers:
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This book explores changes in the structure, activities, and relationships of Geriatric Education Centers (GECs) over time in their pursuit of sustainability, and hypothesizes that GECs have shifted from the old economy, or the public good knowledge regime, to the new economy, or the academic capitalist knowledge/learning regime. It tracks and explains how the change from one regime to another occurred by identifying the ways in which GECs have pursued sustainability, the kinds of entrepreneurial activities in which they have engaged, the ways in which they have created markets and circuits of knowledge, the role of interstitial and intermediary organizations, and the enhancement and expansion of managerial capacity. It explores conditions that foster sustainability, including economic trends and policies at the federal and state level, economic and political forces at the institutional level, and the building of opportunity structures within the field of gerontology at the...

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