Global Continental Palaeohydrology

Global Continental Palaeohydrology
Книги издательства Willey


Palaeohydrological research is a comparatively recent development. However, research undertaken has already demonstrated a significant multidisciplinary impact and shown how palaeohydrology can provide an important contribution to the study of global change. Although a considerable amount of exciting palaeohydrological research has been applied to particular areas, there has not previously been a systematic approach to researchinto the palaeohydrology of the Earth’s surface. It was for this reason that a Commission was established by INQUA in 1991 on Global Continental Palaeohydrology. This volume provides the background to that exciting international research project and has been written to provide a basis for understanding the current state of research into the palaeohydrology of the land surface of the Earth. It therefore gives a summary of the work achieved to date and of the research investigations currently taking place, together with an indication of the way in which...

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