Global Dimensions of Gender and Carework

Global Dimensions of Gender and Carework


Рукописи поэта, О чтении рукописей Пушкина, "Все тихо - на Кавказ идет ночная мгла...", Три заметки о Пушкине, Из "последней тетради" Пушкина, Историко-литературные опыты Пушкина, Стихи о бедном рыцаре, История заполнения "Альбома 1833-1835 годов", "Езерский" и "Медный всадник", Стиховедение, О ритме, Драматический стих Пушкина, Шестистопный ямб Пушкина, История литературы, Драматургия Пушкина и русская драматургия XIX века, М.А.Цявловский и его статьи о Пушкине, Список трудов С.М.Бонди по пушкиноведению, Источники статей


Why are women such prominent workers in the global marketplace? Why do so many perform jobs that involve carework? What political forces have made these women key participants in globalization? What are the consequences for the women themselves, for their families, and for societies and international relations in general? This book offers a provocative examination of globalization, examining the lives of the women at the center of these new global dynamics. Arguing that society is facing multiple crises of care, the authors develop a new framework for understanding the interplay of globalization, gender, and carework. In four original essays, they examine gender, race, and class inequality; migration, citizenship, and the politics of social control; the evolving meanings of motherhood; and new social definitions of carework and the personal transformation of careworkers. Excerpts from the classic works in the field as well as recent cutting-edge research studies support...

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