Global Perspectives on Fundraising: New Directions for Philanthropic Fundraising (J-B PF Single Issue Philanthropic Fundraising)

Global Perspectives on Fundraising: New Directions for Philanthropic Fundraising (J-B PF Single Issue Philanthropic Fundraising)
Charles River Media


Рукописи поэта, О чтении рукописей Пушкина, "Все тихо - на Кавказ идет ночная мгла...", Три заметки о Пушкине, Из "последней тетради" Пушкина, Историко-литературные опыты Пушкина, Стихи о бедном рыцаре, История заполнения "Альбома 1833-1835 годов", "Езерский" и "Медный всадник", Стиховедение, О ритме, Драматический стих Пушкина, Шестистопный ямб Пушкина, История литературы, Драматургия Пушкина и русская драматургия XIX века, М.А.Цявловский и его статьи о Пушкине, Список трудов С.М.Бонди по пушкиноведению, Источники статей


The significance of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), philanthropy, and volunteerism in other nations is growing. This volume offers a sampling of what is happening in fundraising on an international scale. Chapter authors from several different regions address a range of questions, including: the current status of the NGOs or nonprofit sector in their area, the cultural and religious roots of charity and philanthropy, contemporary practices in fundraising, who are the donors and what are their motivations, and the future of fundraising and philanthropy in their area. Geographic regions examined include Mexico and Central America, Brazil and Argentina, Canada, Western Europe, New Zealand, Central Asia, and the Philippines. This volume illustrations how international understanding can enrich the global community of fundraising practitioners and how we are truly part of a global system and therefore fortunate to share in a vast network of knowledge and the knowledgeable who make it...

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