Green Homes: Dwellings for the 21st Century

Green Homes: Dwellings for the 21st Century
Schiffer Publishing
Музеи и Коллекции


Три мушкетера, Двадцать лет спустя, Виконт де Бражелон или, Десять лет спустя. Части 1, 2, 3, Виконт де Бражелон, или Десять лет спустя. Части 4, 5, 6, Изабелла Баварская. Королева Марго, Графиня де Монсоро, Сорок пять. Женщина с бархоткой на шее, Граф Монте-Кристо. Части 1, 2, 3, 4, Граф Монте-Кристо. Части 5, 6. Сильвандир. Новеллы, Соратники Иегу. Сальтеадор, Луиза Сан-Феличе. Главы I-XCIX, Луиза Сан-Феличе. Главы C-CLXXXII


Building a green home or redesigning an existing home to be green is more than energy efficiency and preservation of natural resources. It is about integrating cost-effective design and materials to better the well being of inhabitants. Explore the many ways architects have achieved sustainability, incorporating commonsense strategies of solar orientation, natural ventilation, recycling of household water, and making use of cutting-edge materials and building technologies such as earth sheltering, thermal mass, super insulation, geothermal heating and cooling, and photovoltaic electrical generation - all without compromising their aesthetic goals. Here are more than 50 green homes in North America, shown in 400 color photographs. Many have won major awards; others have been the subject of media attention and tours. This book will help the homeowner, builder, and architect design homes that are more energy efficient, reduce consumption and emissions, and incorporate sustainable...

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