Handbook of Nitride Semiconductors and Devices

Handbook of Nitride Semiconductors and Devices
Новые поступления академической литературы издательства Wiley


The three volumes of this handbook treat the fundamentals, technology and nanotechnology of nitride semiconductors with an extraordinary clarity and depth. They also deal with the properties and processes for thermal, optical and electrical systems, as well as magnetism and magnetic properties and spin–based device concepts. The result is a lucid presentation of the necessary basics of semiconductor and device physics and engineering, backed by an extensive reference section. Volume 2 is devoted to the electrical and optical properties of nitride materials and metal–semiconductor contacts andp–n junctions. It thus discusses both intrinsic and extrinsic current conduction mechanisms in both types of structures, with a detailed treatment of the theory behind carrier transport and scattering of low and high electric as well as magnetic fields. the volume concludes wit optical processes,both linear and non linear, in GaN and associated reduced dimensional structures, ensuring the...

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