Handbook of Personality and Self–Regulation

Handbook of Personality and Self–Regulation
Новые поступления академической литературы издательства Wiley


The term self–regulation refers to processes by which people control their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. When people succeed at self–regulation, they effectively manage their perceptions of themselves and their social surroundings. They behave in ways that are consistent with their goals and standards of behavior. Conversely, when people struggle or fail at self–regulation, they lose control of their personal and social experience. Their behavior does not contribute to the fulfillment of important goals or correspond to standards of behavior to which they subscribe. Successful self–regulationis essential to adaptive functioning in all life domains. Given the central role of self–regulation in adaptive and maladaptive functioning, it is not surprising that a large literature has developed on the topic. This literature is unusual in its breadth, spanning biological, developmental, cognitive, and social psychology, and drawing attention from researchers in related disciplines...

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