Health and the Rhetoric of Medicine

Health and the Rhetoric of Medicine
Иван Федоров, П-2
Новые поступления. Бизнес и экономика


Assessing rhetorical principles of contemporary health issues Hypochondriacs are vulnerable to media hype, anorexics are susceptible to public scrutiny, and mi­graine sufferers are tainted with the history of the “migraine personality,” maintains rhetoricl theorist Judy Z. Segal. All are influenced by the power of per­suasion. Health and the Rhetoric of Medicine explores per­sistent health conditions that resist conventional medical solutions. Using a range of rhetorical prin­ciples, Segal analyzes how paients and their illnesses are formed within the physician/patient relationship. The intractable problem of a patient’s rejection of a doctor’s advice, says Segal, can be considered a rhe­torical failure—a failure of persuasion. Examining the discourse of edicine through case studies, applications, and analyses, Segal illus­trates how illnesses are described in ways that limitpatients’ choices and satisfaction. She also illuminates psychiatric conditions, infectious diseases, genetic...

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