Hydrolysis in Drug and Prodrug Metabolism

Hydrolysis in Drug and Prodrug Metabolism
Книги издательства Willey


Xenobiotic metabolism is a subject of broad interdisciplinary, encompassing physiology, pathophysiology, pharmacology, toxicology, environmental issues, biochemistry, genetics, medical chemistry, computational (bio)chemistry, analytical chemistry, etc., and reactions of hydrolysis play a central role in metabolic pathways. Benard Testa is very well–known for his capacity to conceptualize reactions of drug metabolism, and, in this volume, he presents a comprehensive review of all metabolic reactions and enzymes involved in the hydrolysis of drugs and prodrugs. Nothing of this sort has been written before, as hydrolysis together with some other reactions of drug metabolism have long been in the shadow of the drug–metabolism community’s preoccupation with the ‘P450 hype’ and the superfamily of CYP genes coding for oxidative enzymes of drug metabolism. Recent developments, such as peptide drugs or inhibitors of cholinesterases, have lent new importance to these ‘other’...

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