I-EDI Adoption by Jordanian SMEs

I-EDI Adoption by Jordanian SMEs
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The growth of I-EDI system adoption and capability has become a requirement for effectively servicing the business of many large, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) around the world. In recent years, and according to Jordanian government reports (2006-2008) almost one fifth of Jordanian enterprises have started Web-based and internet adoption to offer on-line products and services to their local and global TPs, suppliers and customers. The purpose of this book is to examine some of the emerging issues surrounding the adoption and diffusion of I-EDI by the Jordanian SME sector. In addition, this book aims to provide a contribution in understanding the benefits, usage, and barriers in the adoption of I-EDI among Jordanian SMEs. This book is concerned with SMEs because the majority of enterprises in Jordan and especially in Amman are small. In Jordan, Department of Statistics (DOS) (2007) classifies an enterprise with less than five employees as a small enterprise, while those with 5 to...

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