Ideology: A Multidisciplinary Approach

Ideology: A Multidisciplinary Approach
Sage Publications


Часть I. Девочка из будущего, Девочка, с которой ничего не случится, Остров ржавого лейтенанта, День рождения Алисы, Сто лет тому вперед, Пленники астероида, Часть II. ...и другие повести, Два билета в Индию, Геркулес и Гидра, Звездолет в лесу, Нужна свободная планета, Черный саквояж, Дети как дети


The history of ideology and its definition continues to occupy scholars across a range of disciplines. Contrary to the vast volume of earlier work on ideology however, this books provides a challenging new theory of ideology, one that is capable of explaining not only the internal structures of ideologies, but also how ideologies function in society. In formulating theory that is capable of providing the first insights into the internal structures of ideologies while simultaneously explaining how discourse structures may be used in the production and reproduction of ideologies, van Dijk offers a highly important theoretical bridge between the micro and macro structures of society. This book will be essential for all students of discourse studies, communication, social psychology, sociology, and political science.

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