Imagined Hinduism: British Protestant Missionary Constructions of Hinduism, 1793-1900

Imagined Hinduism: British Protestant Missionary Constructions of Hinduism, 1793-1900
Новинки Культуры


Парадоски, Провенансы, Куклы, Конспекты по Мерабу, Из летних записей, Танго, День рождения, Раздоры, Истрия, Рыбки-прилипалы, Невстреча, Мне снился сон, Таксистка, Песнь натурщицы, Спор суфиев, Вуду, Вместо интервью, Профессионалы, Главный герой, Колыбельная, Реквием, Карамзиндеревенский дневник, Гордневник


This important book explores the emergence and subsequent refinement of the idea of Hinduism as it developed among British Protestant missionaries in the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. The author demonstrates how the missionaries’ construction of Hinduism grew out of their own roots in post-Enlightenment Europe, their Christian conception of ‘religion’, the colonial reality of India, and their need to ‘know the enemy’ in order to spread Christianity more effectively. Drawing upon missionary writings, Geoffrey Oddie shows how the early view of Hinduism as pagan or heathen settled into the dominant paradigm of Hinduism as a unitary, brahman-controlled ‘system’, ridden with idolatry, ritualism, superstition and sexual licence. This ‘other’ was compared with evangelical Christianity, in which inward devotion counted for more than outward ritual, and where the individual was free from oppression and...

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