Immune Dysfunction and Immunotherapy in Heart Disease

Immune Dysfunction and Immunotherapy in Heart Disease
Книги издательства Willey


Current heart failure therapeutics affects symptoms without appreciably reducing the mortality rate of 50% in five years–– suggesting a failure in treating the underlying mechanism. This book proposes a new mechanism for heart failure; immune mediated cardiac remodelling for cardiac dysfunction. The outstanding editor team of two internationally recognized immunologists –– Ronald Watson, who has studied heartdisease in immune dysfunction for a decade and has a patent for an immunotherapy of heart disease by immune regulation, and Douglas Larson, whose experience in cardiac transplantation immunology has provided the foundation for research into novel therapeutics for heart failure and hypertension –makes Immune Dysfunction and Immunotherapy in Heart Disease the definitive reference to the state of the science in this area. The four parts of the book address: Immune Dysfunction Leading to Heart Disease: Induction by Physiological Changes Immune...

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