Impact and Fatigue Properties of Natural Fibre Composites

Impact and Fatigue Properties of Natural Fibre Composites
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The use of natural fibres as a replacement for traditional glass fibres in composites has gained increasing importance in recent years as environmental concerns have led to a quest for sustainable alternatives. However natural fibre composites have generally been found to have limitations in their mechanical properties, particularly with regard to impact resistance. This book presents the results of studies undertaken to explore the mechanical properties, especially impact and fatigue, of natural hemp fibre composites. Hemp fibre reinforced polyester composite laminates with high fibre volume fraction were prepared using compression moulding technique.The specific tensile properties and impact damage tolerance of hemp fibre composites were found to be very low compared to CSM glass fibre composites. Despite having poorer absolute fatigue strength, hemp fibre composites exhibited better fatigue sensitivity than CSM glass fibre composites in tension-tension fatigue. This correlated well...

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