In the Name of Necessity: Military Tribunals and the Loss of American Civil Liberties (Albma Rhetoric Cult & Soc Crit)

In the Name of Necessity: Military Tribunals and the Loss of American Civil Liberties (Albma Rhetoric Cult & Soc Crit)
CIMA Publishing
Новинки Бухучета


Деревянные кони, Пелагея, Алька, Безотцовщина, Жила-была семужка


Analyses the ways American leaders have justified the use of military tribunals, the suspension of due process, and the elimination of habeas corpus. Though the war on terrorism is said to have generated unprecedented military situations, arguments for the Patriot Act and military tribunals following 9/11 resemble many historical claims for restricting civil liberties, more often than not in the name of necessity. Marouf Hasian Jr. examines the major legal cases that show how various generations have represented the need for military tribunals, and how officials historically have applied the term “necessity.” George Washington cited the necessity of martial discipline in executing the British operative Major AndrA©. Tribunals tried and convicted more than 200 Sioux warriors during the Dakota Wars. President Lincoln suspended habeas corpus for many civilian and military prisoners during the Civil War. Twentieth Century military and civilian leaders...

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