Integration Patterns (Patterns & Practices)

Integration Patterns (Patterns & Practices)
Scholastic Paperbacks


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Book DescriptionBy providing common vocabularies and taxonomies, patterns enable software developers and architects to share important architectural, design, and implementation discoveries they make while solving commonly recurring technical challenges. Now you can take advantage of Microsoft?s extensive systems integration experience?and expedite the development of your own solutions?by examining and applying the integration patterns described in this guide. You get expert guidance and recommendations for using new and established platform-independent architecture and design patterns, as well as implementation patterns that apply specifically to Microsoft® BizTalk® Server 2004, Host Integration Server 2004, and the Microsoft .NET Framework. Understand how to use individual patterns for specific technical scenarios, as well as how to combine patterns to build more complex systems. All PATTERNS & PRACTICES guides are reviewed and approved by Microsoft engineering teams,...

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Автор: Людмила Петрушевская
Год: 1997