Issues in New Political Economy

Issues in New Political Economy
Книги издательства Willey


New Political Economy , which can broadly be defined as the application of standard tools of economic analysis to political (or more generally non–market) mechanisms for allocating and distributing resources, has grown dramatically in recent years. This literature has taken a major step towards reintegrating political and economic science and ideas developed in the literature (such as Central Bank Independence) have had a significant (albeit, perhaps, premature) impact on recent institutional reforms in many countries. The literature is in many respects refreshing, posing new and important challenges for theorists and applied econometricians. As is clear from the contributions to this volume, despite the major leaps forward in recentyears, there remains plenty of scope for further research. The contributions to this volume centre on two main themes: (i) A macro theme, reviewing central bank independence and related issues, from various different perspectives; (ii) A more...

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