Kinematics of Micro Parallel Robots

Kinematics of Micro Parallel Robots
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A micro parallel mechanism fabricated by MEMS technology can be part of an electro-mechanical system, for applications including switching, focusing, steering, or vibration stabilizing. The current investigation takes into consideration the micro manufacturing limitations, and suggests special robot architectures along with kinematic treatment to realize robots on the sub-millimeter scale. This approach is denoted as MEMS kinematics, since it comprises both MEMS constraints and fundamental kinematic rules in mechanism design. The research contains two parts: (A) First, we suggest kinematic architectures of parallel mechanisms that are suitable for MEMS fabrication. The mechanisms consist of only revolute joints and linear actuators located at the base. They allow the moving platform to have a full six degrees-of-freedom, or pure translational motion. (B) Second, we discuss large clearances at the joints that may appear due to the manufacturing techniques. Tools for analyzing the...

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