Labour Markets in Small Developing States

Labour Markets in Small Developing States
Медный Всадник, П-2
Новые поступления. Бизнес и экономика


Recent studies of the economic growth and development process have emphasized the critical role of human development. For small developing countries the existence of limited natural resources means that emphasis must be placed on human resources development (HRD) in national development strategy formulation. Through education and training (and health and nutrition), HRD can overcome imbalances in the labor market. This book explores the approaches to this challenge adopted by governments of smaller states across the world and considers the effectiveness of the particular strategies adopted. It also explores the role of labor migration, particularly the emigration of skilled labor, in this process. The book will be of value to national economic planners, labor market economists, and all those who seek to ensure the successful development of the economies of the world’s smaller states.

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