Language use and attitudes of bilingual children in Hong Kong

Language use and attitudes of bilingual children in Hong Kong
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The study explored the language use and attitudes of bilingual school aged children with Chinese L1 and English L2.The main objective of the study was to explore some demographic and attitudinal factors associated with language use at home and school.The sample was drawn from Year 3 and year 4 classrooms from an English medium primary school in Hong Kong. There was some evidence of negative influence of home factors on the use of Chinese L1 and attitudes towards L1. One of the negative factors was the presence of siblings in the household. However, gender or joint family residence did not have any effect on the use of Chinese(L1).The use of Chinese(L1) was more common in one-to-one than group playtime at school. There was also evidence of association between the use of Chinese(L1)at home and school and the attitude towards Chinese(L1) demonstrated in the questionnaire.

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