Learning Rants, Raves, and Reflections: A Collection of Passionate and Professional Perspectives

Learning Rants, Raves, and Reflections: A Collection of Passionate and Professional Perspectives
Издательство иностранной литературы


I, Имя вождя, Герой, Партийный билет, В музее С. М. Кирова, Враг, Проводы, Светлана, Итальянская песенка, Три товарища, Товарищ, Миша Корольков, II, Веселый турист, Про сома, Рисунок, Кораблики, Если, Фома, Про мимозу, А что у вас?, Мы с приятелем, Находка, Елка, Часы, Рифма, Всадник, Происшествие в горах, Бараны, Щенок, Поросята, Лагерная песенка, Песенка Кости, Песенка друзей, Дядя Степа


Learning Rants, Raves, and Reflections offers a unique collection of passionate, provocative, and personal stories that show how technology is transforming how we learn today and reveals what we can expect in the future. Written to be highly accessible, this non-technological book about technology provides a general overview of the current world of e-learning and includes real-life case studies, actual examples from organizations, and valuable lessons learned. Learning Rants, Raves, and Reflections also examines the promise and failures e-learning and the evolving tools that are changing the face of training and education. Edited by industry leader Elliott Masie, the book includes seventeen passionate and personal perspectives from today’s most respected learning experts. These learning snapshots reflect the current and future state of the industry. Throughout the book, these expert contributors rant (tell of their experiences when learning was thwarted), ...

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