Lifebox, the Seashell, and the Soul: What Gnarly Computation Taught Me About Ultimate Reality, the Meaning of Life, and How to Be Happy

Lifebox, the Seashell, and the Soul: What Gnarly Computation Taught Me About Ultimate Reality, the Meaning of Life, and How to Be Happy
McGraw-Hill Osborne Media
Новинки Интеллекта


Парадоски, Провенансы, Куклы, Конспекты по Мерабу, Из летних записей, Танго, День рождения, Раздоры, Истрия, Рыбки-прилипалы, Невстреча, Мне снился сон, Таксистка, Песнь натурщицы, Спор суфиев, Вуду, Вместо интервью, Профессионалы, Главный герой, Колыбельная, Реквием, Карамзиндеревенский дневник, Гордневник


“A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step,” goes the ancient saying. This concept is at the root of the computational worldview, which basically says that very complex systems—the world we live in—have their beginnings in simple mathematical equations. We’ve lately come to understand that such an algorithm is only the start of a never-ending story — the real action occurs in the unfolding consequences of the rules. The chip-in-a-box computers so popular in our time have acted as a kind of microscope, letting us see into the secret machinery of the world. In Lifebox, the Seashell, and the Soul, Rucker — known as the father of cyberpunk — uses whimsical drawings, fables, and humor to demonstrate that everything is a computation — that thoughts, computations, and physical processes are all the same. Rucker discusses the linguistic and computational advances that make this kind of "digital philosophy"...

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