Light Attack

Light Attack
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Light Attack is a media art performance, as well as a social experiment, performed in public urban spaces. While driving through the city, an animated virtual character is projected from a moving vehicle onto the cityscape exploring places“to go” and “not to go” in urban centers such as Los Angeles, Hong Kong, Seoul, and Mexico City. The work introduces the concept of the “moving-moving” image, the relationship between projected moving images and the movement of the through the city. The projected character responds to the architectural context and passers-by, controlled by a database of pre-recorded video clips. This book provides the conceptual framework for Light Attack. It follows the history of electric light as medium and symbol for cultural grandeur. It discusses media architecture and projection-based mediaart in relation to a contemporary site-specific public art practice. The book should be especially useful to students and professionals in the field of Media Arts, Art...

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