Living on the Edge of Chaos: Leading Schools into the Global Age, Second Edition

Living on the Edge of Chaos: Leading Schools into the Global Age, Second Edition
Новые поступления. Бизнес и экономика


В добрый час!, Вечно живые, В поисках радости, Страница жизни, В день свадьбы, С вечера до полудня, Гнездо глухаря, Традиционный сбор


In the last decade it has become increasingly clear that life today is global on many levels, both personally and professionally, and that the twenty-first century will indeed be earmarked as the first age of global living for the masses. Educators have an obligation now to prepare students to function as global citizens, to work and live with people from other cultures, and to learn within the multiple forms of technology. Having an online virtual life every day in school must become a norm if students are to grow up with the rapidly changing speed of human exchange and learning in virtual environments. The acclaimed authors of this second edition believe that creating new approaches to schooling represents a departure from the school improvement agenda of past decades. Educators need a new mindset to lead them to a new paradigm of schooling, with a new curriculum called life. As in the first edition of this book, the authors argue that schools can adapt better to emerging global...

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