Lofts of Brussels

Lofts of Brussels
Tectum Publishers
Поступления - 2008 г.


Васюткино озеро, Стрижонок Скрип, Белогрудка, Капалуха, Зачем я убил коростеля, Яшка-лось, На сон грядущий, Далекая и близкая сказка, Зорькина песня, Деревья растут для всех, Гуси в полынье, Конь с розовой гривой, Монах в новых штанах, Ангел-хранитель, Мальчик в белой рубахе, Пеструха, Фотография, на которой меня нет, Гори, гори ясно, Над древним покоем


Having published books about the lofts in Antwerp, Amsterdam, London, Paris, Berlin and Scandinavia, Tectum Publishers have been on a discovery tour of lofts in Brussels. Born rather late in the European capital, this urban phenomenon has been running like wildfire, to the point that abandoned industrial buildings are becoming an extinct species. Asa result, the infatuation of the cosmopolitan public encourages the actors on this new market to explore new ways of expanding this way of life that has become ingrained in the modern mentality. In other words, lofts flourish in a whole range of rehabilitation projects, but also in new buildings. Whatever the decorative chpices made by their owners, lofts in Brussels have taken the freedom to adapt to demanding lifestyles. An ode to a quality of life based on boundless creativity, they amplify generous spaces, they create a vacuum in which to dream and dramatize life. Welcome on the Brussels stage.

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