M.O.D.E.L.: The Return of the Employee

M.O.D.E.L.: The Return of the Employee
Sage Publications
Бизнес и экономика. Поступления - 2009 г.


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"M.O.D.E.L.: The Return of the Employee" highlights the basic tools one needs to succeed without ignoring the lighter facets of an otherwise tough and strained professional environment. It intends to entertain and direct a professional to look beyond what stares them in the face and work towards having a genial, synergistic approach to the atmosphere that they have to survive and thrive in. Written in a farcical manner, M.O.D.E.L. does not preach any new theory or concept, for the author believes that the fundamentals for success and happiness cannot change. The simple application of basics is all that is required for most things. In short, the book is about: Ten simple steps, discussed in detail, which will enable a hardworking person to succeed and be happy. The fact that most of us go around seeking mysterious mantras and ignore the basics. The fact that we forget that success is a journey, not a destination; and that happiness is a state of mind. Neither can be achieved without...

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