Making Competitive Cities

Making Competitive Cities
Новые поступления академической литературы издательства Wiley


‘You have heard the hype about creative cities and footloose knowledge workers … [this book] reveals what is happening on the ground, in cities and regions across Europe. Drawing on a collaborative research program, this welcome contribution establishes a new benchmark for academic and policy debates in this fast–moving field.’ Jamie Peck, Canada Research Chair in Urban&Regional Political Economy, University of British Columbia‘… In its excellent blend of empirical investigation and theoretical argument, Making Competitive Cities reveals the challenges presented to cities by the changing global economy and the disparate ways in which cities are transformed.’ From the foreword by Susan S. Fainstein, Harvard University Developing creative industries (arts, media, entertainment, architecture, publishing) and knowledge–intensive industries (ICT, R&D, finance, law) can give a city the competitive edge....

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Год: 2002