Massive neutrinos and topology of the Standard Model

Massive neutrinos and topology of the Standard Model
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This book explores the phenomenon of neutrino masses and mixings with general mass matrices, and consequences for the zero mode and vacuum structures of the Standard Model and its various extensions. The material covers a pedagogic treatment of the theory of neutrino masses and mixings. Important consequences for the topological properties of the Standard Model bosonic sector are examined. A detailed treatment of the fermionic zero mode structure of the topological and non-topological defects like domain walls and electroweak cosmic strings is given, including the index theorem that connects the bosonic topology with fermionic content of the theory. It appears that massive neutrinos can radically change our understanding of the vacuum structures of the Standard Model. The presented material is highly useful for anyone interested in cutting edge research in particle physics and cosmology. The book covers, in an easy and accessible way, important topics that can not be found in other...

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