Memories of Underdevelopment

Memories of Underdevelopment
Поступления - 2008 г.


Мастерская Деда Мороза, Рождественский праздник, Необычная елка Чипа и Дейла, Долгожданный сочельник, Свитер для Плуто, Питер Пэн и похищение Деда Мороза, История, рассказанная Микки под Рождество, Легко ли работать Дедом Морозом, Рождественские послания гномов Деду Морозу


Malabre is an upper middle-class Cuban businessman with an intellectual bent. He chooses to remain in Cuba after the Bay of Pigs without his family and friends. Dissatisfied with his life, he hopes to find a more authentic existence. To break his crippling isolation, he as an affair with a young girl, which culminates in his trial for statutory rape. Edmundo Desnoes began his literary career in the 1950s, went to New York in 1956, returned to Cuba in 1959, and defected to the U.S. in 1979. Desnoes is also the author of No Hay Problema (There Is No Problem) 1961, and El Cataclismo (The Cataclysm) 1965. The publication of the sequel for Memories of Underdevelopment is expected imminently.

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