Modeling Eutrophication using Geospatial Techniques

Modeling Eutrophication using Geospatial Techniques
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Fluxes in eutrophication status in Lake Manzala, the largest freshwater lake in Egypt, were investigated based on comparison of multiparameter data. Eutrophication maps were undertaken for each parameter using Carlson trophic indices. In addition, Kriging method of interpolation was effectively performed to identify the spatial patterns of all measured parameters. Spherical model was applied to fit all experimental variograms. It was shown that all eutrophication variables were significantly located along SE– NW and E – W directions.The investigation indicates that the lake has dramatically experienced accelerated eutrophication (71.14 % and 27.73% of the lake were eutrophic and hypertrophic respectivel). In conjunction with excessive eutrophication in the lake, an overall move towards urbanizationand increasing the cultivated land was detected in the catchment. An integrated approach should be adopted to attain the lake restoration and enhance truly sustainable development of...

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