Mutual Funds: Your Money, Your Choice ... Take Control Now and Build Wealth Wisely

Mutual Funds: Your Money, Your Choice ... Take Control Now and Build Wealth Wisely
Pearson Education


I agree with what the other 5 star reviewers said about how useful and easily understandable this book is.
However, I am rating it at 3 stars first to compensate for the unreserved enthusiasm of the others, and also because it is obvious to me that there was a blatant attempt to fleshen the book up, by any means, to reach a number of pages.
Instead of more information -more footnotes, for example- regrettably the method used to attain that goal was the incessant repetition of the same ideas, which is not only fatiguing but also conveys the image of disorder, as identical concepts pop up in supposedly totally different chapters.
Many pictures are unnecessary and most are obvious. At one point, after informing that mutual funds represent 20% of retirement funds, Jones wastes one page displaying two amateurish looking pie charts to show us, dumbass readers, what 20% visually represents.
The titles of some chapters -for instance "Why should I be concerned?", or "Why inverstors can have problems...", or "Be aware of. . ." or "Think carefully. . ." clearly indicate that the contents of all them are going to be about the same subject -warnings- or at least they will overlap greatly. They do.
What was said in this book -again, admittedly very useful for laypersons such as me- could have been said in 100 pages less, should the author avoided his chaotic repetitions.

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