Mutual Interactions in Acoustic Fields

Mutual Interactions in Acoustic Fields
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This work deals with two challenges that have engaged the scientific community decades now. Namely, our focus is about the interaction among vibrating surfaces and the digitization of the acoustic signals. A micro-transducer array may act as a digital transducer, which can be connected to digital sources directly without the need of converters. The problem of generating significant sound pressure with devices of small area can be met by combining several micro-transducers into a matrix structure. As the inter-element distance is small, the amplitude of the total field is roughly the sum of the individual amplitudes. However, this small distance in conjunction with the light elements intensifies the phenomenon of mutual interactions. Since our departure point lies at first principles, this work may interest the student who tries to grasp the basic laws in acoustics and the application of Bessel and Green functions to the analysis of acoustic fields. The work may also interest advanced...

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Автор: Mary S. Ludwig
Год: 1999