Object Technology

Object Technology


The first edition of this publication has been the classic introduction to object technology formanagers and executives for a number of years, and has been used worldwide in management related seminars, courses andworkshops. This revised and expanded version maintains the same focus on the benefits to businesscomputing wrought by this powerful object-oriented technology. The book covers object technology within the context of "...enabling technology for a new generation of adaptive software systems ..., and presents an executive overview of key characteristics that define object-orientation. In a clear and concise manner, it presents the underlying principles within the context of flexible business systems, and explains the nature of object interactions, examines classes, inheritance and other properties that turn objects into reusable business components. Learn about data sharing across programs, and find out about database requirements needed to implement object-orientation. The book also examines distributed objects, agents, tools and techniques required for scalable and adaptive business enterprises. Emphasis is on "The Adaptive Organization", and make no mistake, organizations will adapt to the new business paradigm ofobject-orientated technology and the Web, or pass into history.A very good and recommended companion volume by Dr. Taylor is, Business Engineering with Object Technology.

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