Office Sportz: The Official Office Games

Office Sportz: The Official Office Games
For Dummies
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OFFICE SPORTZ is a handbook filled with fun, exhilarating and often ridiculous games that make life in the workplace a lot more entertaining! However, a fantastic thing can happen when a team works together on something enjoyable and, yes, even goofy: actual change can occur. By that, we mean that these games can be used to create an opportunity for real growth within your organization. No, none of your staff will come out of these games better at using PowerPoint or suddenly certified to do taxes. But, what is possible-if you use these games well-is that you can create an experience for your team that results in greater cohesiveness, improved trust and more healthy communication. Studies have shown that all of these results have the effect of raising employee engagement levels which is directly linked to a healthier bottom line. The games use common office equipment and supplies to create easy, stress-free yet hilarious challenges that break up the monotony of daily corporate life...

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